Saturday, September 27, 2014

Time to Rejuvenate

Blogging Challenge Day 27
What role do weekends and holidays play in your teaching?
Meg- For me, weekends and holidays are a chance to play catch-up.  I grade all those papers that I wasn't able to squeeze into the work week, I create resources to use with my students in the upcoming week, and I take some time to reflect on my recent successes and failures in the classroom so I can continue to work towards making my class the best place possible for student learning.  The weekends and holidays also provide me a much-needed chance to spend time with my husband, catch up with friends, exercise, and SLEEP!  Waking up at 5:22 AM (fun fact: I always set my alarm for even times that do not end in a zero) definitely takes a toll on me, and getting a good 8-9 hours of sleep for a couple nights makes me sane again.  I have found that I am a better teacher when I have a healthy work-life balance.  My patience lasts longer and I am more creative.  With that being said, I am off to the gym on this lovely Saturday morning to jump start my day!

Jamie-I have just returned home from a beautiful fall day spent watching my niece play softball. So, weekends are definitely set aside for family.  I try to reserve a set amount of time for work on the weekends.  If I work (grade papers) on Saturday, then Sunday is an off day or vice versa.  If I don't take time off, I have less patience for my students when I return to work on Monday.  There are times on the weekends, before my husband wakes, early in the morning where you'll catch me reading educational blog sites, perusing new tech tools, and/or looking at websites connected to my teaching.  It is also a time for catching up with my reading.  I have to be a role model for my students on Monday morning for Reading Weekend Update.  So, I have to get some reading done in my independent reading book.  In fact, I just finished Doll Bones by Holly Black this morning.  It was so good!  My students could hardly wait for me to finish because they want it next.  The waiting list for this book is long.  Think I might need to buy another copy!  After typing this blog, I am headed outside to enjoy a glass of iced tea and The Book Whisper by Donalyn Miller.  This is a must read for reading and/or English teachers.  I am loving it, and I am only on page 50.  

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