Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Wind Beneath Our Wings

Day 7 Blogging Challenge

Who was or is your most inspirational colleague, and why?

Jamie & Meg-
This is very hard question for us to answer as we have worked with many wonderful people during our careers.  So we don't want to sound hokey, but we are going to pick each other.   We are each other's sounding board, motivator, co-author/presenter/teacher, and confidant.  We have always been impressed with each other's work ethic, and we keep each other energized and excited about education and teaching.
Visiting the Alamo after presenting
at the International Reading Association's
annual conference.

Almost eight years ago, the two of us began a journey together to put together a presentation to present at the Illinois Reading Council's annual conference (IRC) in Springfield, IL, based on a research topic we were both exploring for our respective master's degree programs.  Little did we know that it would turn into not just one conference presentation, but several other local, state, national, and international conferences.  We would also take on co-authoring our book Literacy Lessons for a Digital World based on the presentation we had put together.  To top it off, we also co-teach a graduate level class together at Judson University in Elgin, IL, on digital literacy for their Masters of Education in Literacy Program.  Simply put, we can't imagine having a better working partner.  To quote Bette Midler, we truly feel the other is the "Wind Beneath My Wings."  We seriously cannot imagine accomplishing all that we have without each other!

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