Tuesday, September 9, 2014

My Proudest Teaching Secret

Day 9 Blogging Challenge
Write about one of your biggest accomplishments in your teaching that no one knows about (or may not care).
Meg- This is an interesting prompt that really made me think.  I feel like many people know of my biggest accomplishments (publishing our book, teaching a graduate level class at Judson, presenting at many professional conferences), so what are my more "quiet" professional accomplishments?  I am thrilled this year to be taking on the role of Curriculum Leader for the math department at my middle school.  As the Curriculum Leader, my jobs are many, but the primary job this year is to research and then create meaningful professional development opportunities for the 6-8 grade math teachers revolving around meaningful formative assessment.  This responsibility is already helping me grow professionally, and I appreciate having the opportunity to work with so many wonderful teachers as a part of the position.

Jamie-Like Meg stated above, I feel I have had the support of friends and colleagues as I published my first book and began my teaching career at the college level.  So, what is my biggest unknown accomplishment?  I think it stems from a phone call I received once from a young man who was in my special education class.  At the beginning of my teaching career, I worked as a special education assistant in an LD classroom. When he called to tell me that he was living in Michigan and had a wonderful job for a successful company, I was elated. He called to tell me how grateful he was for all the help and support I had given him during his middle school years.  He thanked me for helping him to believe in himself. I was filled with pride.  It was so wonderful to hear that I had touched his life and made it better.  As I hung up the phone that day after school, I'll never forget the feeling that I had done my job and done it well.

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