Monday, September 15, 2014

3 Educational Strengths

Blogging Challenge Day 15

Name three strengths you have as an educator.

Jamie-My greatest strength as an educator is my ability to connect with my students.  I take great pride in my ability to get to know each of them as individual learners and as people.  Secondly, I use my sense of humor to deal with my middle school students.  My ability to find humor in the sometimes strange and odd ways of adolescents keeps my students engaged.  It makes learning in my classroom fun.  Lastly, I like to learn and discover alongside my students.  I feel fortunate to work in a profession where I can model how to be lifelong learner. 
Meg- As an educator, I am reflective, I am a risk-taker, and I am a lifelong learner.  Reflection enables me to realize my strengths and weaknesses in my teaching and causes me to revamp and revise my ideas each and every day.  Being a risk-taker makes me try new strategies and projects with my students.  While not always successful, it is through this risk-taking that I can find optimal ways of reaching my students and allowing them unique opportunities to express their learning.  Finally, as a lifelong learner I realize that I cannot possibly master the art of teaching, but I need to keep trying.  Striving to constantly improve is what makes me a better teacher for my kids, and isn’t that what teaching is all about?!

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